2011.09-2016.09 华中科技大学博士
2014.12-2015.12 美国马里兰大学帕克分校,联合培养博士
2006.09-2010.06 太阳集团网址首页登录入口,学士
2017.01 至今 太阳集团城所有网址,副教授
[1] Xiong C, Li W,Xiao J, Duan N, Pu J, Chi B, et al. Improved chromium-poisoning on lanthanumstrontium manganite cathode in presence of a newly developed iron-chromiumbased interconnect alloy for solid oxide fuel cells. International Journalof Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40:13957-63.
[2] Xiong C, Li W,Duan N, Pu J, Chi B, Jian L. The effect of molybdenum on chromium deposition at(La0.8Sr0.2)0.95MnO3-δ cathode ofsolid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.2016;41:9529-37.
[3] Xiong C, TaillonJA, Pellegrinelli C, Huang Y-L, Salamanca-Riba LG, Chi B, et al. Long-Term CrPoisoning Effect on LSCF-GDC Composite Cathodes Sintered at DifferentTemperatures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2016;163:F1091-F9.
[4] Xiong C, Li W,Ding D, et al. Chromium poisoning effect on strontium-doped samarium manganitefor solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016, 41(45): 20660-20669. [5] Li W, Xiong C, Zhang Q, Jia L, Chi B, PuJ, et al. Composition optimization of samarium strontium manganite-yttriastabilized zirconia cathode for high performance intermediate temperature solidoxide fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;190:531-7.
[6] Li W, Xiong CY,Jia LC, Pu J, Chi B, Chen X, et al. Strontium-doped samarium manganite ascathode materials for oxygen reduction reaction in solid oxide fuel cells. Journalof Power Sources. 2015;284:272-8
[7] Cao Y, Xiong C,Jian L, Vøllestad E, Evans A, Haugsrud R. Enhancement of the ElectronConductivity of La27(W0.85Nb0.15)5O55.5−δby Mo Doping for Hydrogen Permeation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society.2016;163:F1151-F6.
[8] Xiao J, Zhang W, XiongC, Chi B, Pu J, Jian L. Oxidation of MnCu0.5 Co1.5O4spinel coated SUS430 alloy interconnect in anode and cathode atmospheres forintermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal ofHydrogen Energy. 2015; 40:1868-76.
[9] Xiao J, Zhang W, XiongC, Chi B, Pu J, Jian L. Oxidation behavior of Cu-doped MnCo2O4spinel coating on ferritic stainless steels for solid oxide fuel cellinterconnects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016; 41:9611-8.
[10] Huang, Y. L., Hussain,A. M., Pellegrinelli, C., Xiong, C., & Wachsman, E. D. (2017).Chromium Poisoning Effects on Surface Exchange Kinetics of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ.Applied materials&interface. 2017;19
[11] X. Liang, C. Chang, W.Guo, X. Jiang, C. Xiong, X. Pu, Red Phosphorus/Onion-like MesoporousCarbon Composite as High-Performance Anode for Sodium-Ion Battery,ChemElectroChem 2019, 6,5721.
[12] Qiu, P., Sun, S., Yang,X., Chen, F., Xiong, C., Jia, L., & Li, J. A review on anode on-cellcatalyst reforming layer for direct methane solid oxide fuel cells. InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019
[13] Xiong C, Liu F, Gao J,Jiang X. One-Spot Facile Synthesis of Single-Crystal LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 CathodeMaterials for Li-ion Batteries. ACS Omega. 2020 Nov19;5(47):30356-30362.
[14] Tan, Y., Gao, S., Xiong,C., & Chi, B.. Nano-structured LSM-YSZ refined with PdO/ZrO2oxygen electrode for intermediate temperature reversible solid oxidecells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020,45(38),19823-19830.
[15] Xiong, C., Liu, F.,Gao, J., & Jiang, X.. A N-doped porous carbon derived from deep eutecticsolvent for adsorption of organic contaminants from aqueous or oilsolution. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(57), 34953-34958.
[16] Cao, Y., Wang, C.,Wang, X., Zhang, H., Jiang, X., Xiong, C., & Liang, F. Two-dimensionalmesoporous B, N co-doped carbon nanosheets decorated with TiN nanostructuresfor enhanced performance lithium–sulfur batteries. Applied Physics2021
[17] Li J, Wang X, Huang L,Xiong, C., et al. Ultrathin mesoporous graphitic carbon nitridenanosheets with functional cyano group decoration and nitrogen-vacancy defectsfor an efficient selective CO2 photoreduction. Nanoscale,2021, 13(29): 12634-12641.
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