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    太阳集团网址首页登录入口Mohd Shabbir博士在校做学术报告

    发布时间:2019-11-30 点击数:

    本网讯(通讯员 罗晓刚)11月29日上午,太阳集团城所有网址博士后Mohd Shabbir博士应邀在流芳校区大化工楼多功能报告厅为学院师生做了题为“Functional textile materials by nature means”的学术报告。报告会由副院长龙思会教授主持,学院师生100余人聆听了报告。

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    Mohd Shabbir博士本次报告内容为采用自然资源和方法功能化纺织材料方面的研究。他首先向大家介绍了纺织品和功能化媒介,告诉了大家媒染剂有助于在染料和纤维之间形成一种联系,使某些对纤维没有或几乎没有亲和力的染料得以固定,从而可以通过基于植物的天然染料对羊毛纺织品进行功能化研究。他还致力于将纳米材料应用于功能性纺织品。他的主要重点是了解植物在纺织材料上的生物活性化合物的结构性质关系。  

    报告会结束后,Mohd Shabbir博士和研究生展开了学术讨论并详细回答了现场提问。此次讲座,扩大了学生知识面,丰富了学生的专业知识储备,对于今后的学习具有重要意义。

    Mohd Shabbir博士介绍:

    Mohd shabbir, born in 1987, joined School ofChemical Engineering and Pharmacy,Wuhan Institute of Technology, in September2019 asapostdoctoral researcher. Before that, he hadbeen working as an Assistant Professor intheDepartmentof Chemistry, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Sanskriti University(Mathura/India). He obtained his B.Sc. (Hons.) Degree in Chemistry at AligarhMuslim University (Aligarh/India) in 2010. He moved to Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi, India in 2010 for his master’s studies in Organic Chemistry. Fromthe same University he got his doctorate in 2017. His doctoral thesis dealtwith functionalization of wool textiles using plants-based natural dyes.He also worked on application of nanomaterials for functional textiles. Hisprimary focus was to understand the structure-property relationship ofbioactive compounds from plants on textile materials. Currently he is doingresearch innatural polymerbased functional materials in the lab of ProfessorLuo Xiaogang. Mohd Shabbir published several research articles ininternational journals (e.g.IND CROP PROD, APPL NANOSCI, RSC ADVANCES, JADV RES, ENVIRON PROG SUSTAIN ENERGY etc.) alongwith book chapters in edited books (ELSEVIER, SPRINGER, WILEY etc.). His researcharticles have been cited nearly 400 times withanH-indexof9. He also edited two books (1published & 1 in production) for ScrivenerPublishing-Wiley.


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