2005 – 2008 天津大学化工学院,博士;
2002 – 2005 太阳集团城所有网址,硕士;
1998 – 2002 武汉化工学院制药系,学士。
2016.7 – 至今,太阳集团网址首页登录入口,教授;
2012 – 2013,台湾大学化学系,博士后;
2011 – 2016,太阳集团城所有网址,副教授;
2009 – 2010,美国Texas A&M University化学工程系,博士后;
2008 – 2011,太阳集团城所有网址,讲师。
甲醇合成汽油工艺中烯烃催化聚合过程的单元步骤(single event)微动力学理论研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金;
2016年,湖北省优秀学士学位论文《Synthesis ofAlumino-silicate MCM-41 with Industrial Hexafluorosilicic Acid and FluorineRemoving Application》指导教师;
2017年学生获校优秀硕士论文 刘铁良;
2018年学生获校优秀硕士论文 范阳春;
2019年学生获校优秀硕士论文 严梦辉;
2020年学生获校优秀硕士论文 张鹏,陆康;
2021年学生获校优秀硕士论文 王朝印,王涛;
1) 针对石油化工和能源化工中小分子烃类转化的复杂反应体系,开发了MFI、MWW分子筛系列催化剂,研究催化剂酸性、双功能位协同效应与齐聚和芳构化产物构效关系。研究拓展了single-event微动力学方法建立本征动力学模型。从反应动力学角度关注从小分子烃类催化转化,脱氢、齐聚、芳构化的催化剂构效关系研究,将为从页岩气、煤、天然气化工和生物质转化过程生成C2-C3小分子烃类的过程与传统石油化工过程进行交叉融通架构理论桥梁;

2) 开发磷化工副产氟硅酸的综合利用合成分子筛材料及应用,减少环境危害,拓展磷化工产业链,融合磷化工、精细化工和石油化工行业;
3) 合成了新型分子筛烯烃环氧化,特别是大分子环烯烃的环氧化反应催化剂,合成精细化工和医药化工中间体。

1) Chaoyin.Wang#,Kang Lu#, Fang Jin*, et al.,. Modification of MWW layerstructure to investigate the effect of acidity and Zn-type sites on ethanedehydroaromatization. Catalysis Today, 2021, 368, 250-259.
2) Fang Jin*, PengZhang, et al., Fundamental kinetics model of acidity-activity relation for ethyleneoligomerization and aromatization over ZSM-5 zeolites, Chemical EngineeringScience, 2021, 229: 116144-116159.
3) Fang Jin*,#, Yuanzhi Yan#, et al., Ethyleneoligomerization over H- and Ni-form aluminosilicate composite with ZSM-5 andMCM-41 structure: Effect of acidity strength, nickel site and porosity, CatalysisToday, 2020, 355: 148-161.
4) Kang Lu#,Fang Jin*,#, et al., The synergetic effect of acid and nickelsites on bifunctional MWW zeolite catalysts for ethylene oligomerization andaromatization, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Sustainable Energy & Fuels,2019, 3: 3569-3581.
5) MenghuiYan#, Fang Jin*,#, et al., Synthesis of titanium-incorporatedMWW zeolite by sequential deboronation and atom-planting treatment of ERB-1 asan epoxidation catalyst, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019,58: 4764-4773.
6) Fang Jin, Yang Chun Fan, et al, Single-eventkinetic modeling of ethene oligomerization on ZSM-5,CatalysisToday, 2018, 316: 129-141.
7) Fang Jin*, YangChun Fan, et al., Modified Brønsted Type Equation withAmmonia as Probe Molecule: Quantitative acidity-activity relationship for pyridinesynthesis with ZSM-5 catalyst, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2018, 123:517-527.
8) Tie Liang Liu, FangJin*, et al., Synthesis of titanium containing MCM-41from industrial hexafluorosilicic acid as epoxidation catalyst, Catalysis Today, 2017, 297: 316-323
9) Fang Jin, Xianqiao Wang, et al., Synthesis ofZSM-5 with the silica source from industrial hexafluorosilicic acid astransalkylation catalyst, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25: 1303-1313
10) Fang Jin, Y.X. Wu, et al., Effect of Ti incorporatedMWW supports on Au loading and catalytic performance for direct propylene epoxidation,Catalysis Today, 2016, 264: 98-108
11) C.C. Chang, Fang Jin,et al., Effect of the grafting agent on the structure and catalytic performanceof Ti-MCM-22, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6: 7631-7642
12) Fang Jin, C.C. Chang, et al., New mesoporous titanosilicateMCM-36 material synthesized from pillaring layered ERB-1 precursor, Journalof Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 8715-8724
13) Fang Jin, S.J. Huang, et al., The influences of Al speciesand Ti species on the catalytic epoxidation over Si/Ti-pillared MCM-36synthesized from MCM-22, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5: 3007-3016
14) Fang Jin, T.H. Lin, et al., Gold supported on Ti incorporatedMCM-36 as efficient catalysts in propylene epoxidation with H2 and O2,RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 61710-61718
15) Fang Jin, C.C. Chang, et al., New Ti-incorporatedMCM-36 as an efficient epoxidation catalyst prepared by pillaring MCM-22 layerswith titanosilicate, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 319: 247-257
1) 金放, 层状含介孔钛硅分子筛催化剂及其制备方法和应用, CN2014106743385
2) 金放,等, 利用氟硅酸合成介孔分子筛并副产冰晶石的方法, CN2015106004778
3) 金放,等, 一种利用氟硅酸合成MWW结构分子筛的方法和应用,CN2016107836723
1) Fang Jin, Gas-phase epoxidation ofpropylene with H2 and O2 over gold supported on Tiincorporated MWW structure catalysts, Catalytic Science andTechnology in Sustainable Energy II, Tianjin, 2016.10.14
2) Fang Jin,Single-eventkinetic modeling of olefins oligomerization over ZSM-5 Catalyst, The 8th Asian-Pacific Chemical ReactionEngineering Symposium, 上海, 2017.11.12-2017.11.15
3) 金放, 乙烯齐聚过程的Single-event微动力学模型的初步研究,第十八届全国催化学术会议, 天津,2017.10.16-2017.10.20
4) 金放,工业磷肥副产氟硅酸合成分子筛材料及应用,2017第一届国际磷资源开发学术研讨会,宜昌, 2017.6.17
5) 金放, ZSM-5分子筛催化乙烯齐聚合成汽油组分过程的单元步骤微动力学模型,第十七届全国青年催化会议,兰州,2018.8.10